Monday 11 March 2013


So this month is starting to be the shitty month of all. I mean come on. Everything is about unfairness. You see I'm not even miss goodie perfect little girl. No I'm not. I just... don't like to lose on something. It's hard to explain. BUT here's the story about UNFAIR thingy going on. 

On 6 March everyone in my university receive the EXAM RESULTS. Most people just anyhow do their work just for the sake surviving in their university life BUT I'm not. You see... I came to this university having the hope that I could archive my goal and dreams. WHAT HAPPEN IS. I GOT 3.2 GPA AND MY CGPA DROP TO 3.4 OK. NOT SUCK YET BUT THE PROBLEM IS I CAN'T GET SCHOLARSHIP FOR MY DEGREE. Malaysia is a rip off country. No offense but I couldn't get to public universities because I'm not really that "qualified" LOL and I couldn't get PTPTN because my dad salary can cover my studies. Yes, it's true. BUT MY MOM IS NOT WORKING ! I have a brother who is in college so yea. That doesn't sound like my dad can cover my studies RIGHT? So I need to get 3.5 and above CGPA for every semester maintaining it. When I get 3.4 CGPA my dream CRUSH AND BURNED. 

To make it worst. I don't deserved this B+ YOU KNOW WHY? Everyone said my work for this semester deserved A+ even the lecturers said so. But why on earth you give me a B+? Another shit thing is FRIEND(S) WITH (S) get the same grade as I do B+ when they did nothing at all. BY NOTHING MEANS THEY DIDN'T EVEN DO THEIR COURSEWORK OK. So why a person who didn't do anything and a person who did it and complete it aka ME gets B+? 

You think my friends are liers? NO THEY REALLY DIDN'T EVEN DO IT. How I know? We upload our works on this particular website so everyone can see and I ain't see a shit from the FRIENDS? How is that possible? I really really feel heartbroken and I cried whole day for this sack of misery. I've heard rumours going around that a lecturer will never correct his/her mistakes because it will JEOPARDISE his post as a lecturer !? what the fuck? NOT CORRECTING YOUR MISTAKES CAN MAKE A STUDENT SUFFER THEIR FUTURE. Please what a lame fuck thing going on.